Distance Learning Survival Kit

When it comes to learning, deciding to enrol in an online learning course is just the first step. Next, you need to consider the kind of course, you want to enrol on, how it will help, the cost, and when you will fit it in.

But that is not all you need to consider…

You’ll also need to think about the equipment and resources you’ll need to make this decision a working and feasible reality.

To help you on this journey, we have created the following survival kit:

  1. Computer/laptop/iPad – You will need an electronic device to not only complete your assignments/access your course resources but also communicate with your tutor/fellow students.
  2. Notepad – While all of your course materials will technically be online, it is worth having a notepad on hand to make notes and start prepping your revision/assignments.
  3. Flashcards – These are useful if the online course you’ve chosen contains a written exam. With their help, you’ll be able to make concise and detailed revision notes as you move through each module.
  4. Pencil case and all its fillings – Pencil cases are not just for school children. They are a great way to keep all of your pens, pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, highlighters, etc. in one place so you can get on with your work faster.
  5. Headphones – If you don’t have the luxury of having a private or quiet place to study then headphones can help you to block out the noise and focus.
  6. Calendar – You will need one of these for two reasons. First, so you know when to submit assignments/attend an exam, and two, so you can schedule a time to study and complete your work. The latter is especially important if you are completing a course alongside working a job. TIP: create a timetable to accompany your calendar so you know when you are free to study and when you can relax.
  7. Post-its – These can perform multiple roles. Larger post-its can be used to mark pages and hold notes, while smaller post-its can help you to highlight quotes you want to include in an essay (without you having to read the entire page again).
  8. Study space – When it comes to studying, not only do you need quiet, you need to be comfortable. For this reason, you need to think of the best space to work and concentrate without you getting distracted.
  9. Fluids and foods – When you get in the zone, it can be easy to forget to eat and drink. Because of this, make sure you keep a drink and a variety of healthy snacks on hand, so you don’t have to stop working to fetch them.
  10. Storage – If you can’t find a permanent spot to study, then you’ll need to invest in some storage so you can keep your course materials, resources, and equipment safe and in one spot. This could be a drawer or a box.

Now, this list can easily be added to/edited depending on your individual needs and the kind of learner you are, however, it is a good starting point if you are getting back into learning and don’t know where to start.

So if you are interested in enrolling in an online course, then why not bear this list in mind when prepping your learning? Short course, long course, online, or even in college… this list can give you a solid foundation to build up.

For more information on our distance learning courses, visit our website.

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