Why it is never too late to retake your GCSEs

Why it is never too late to retake your GCSEs

Given the current climate and the fact that thousands of students aren’t able to take their GCSEs in May and June (due to Corona), knowing you have got the option to retake them is something worth knowing.

No matter your age – 20, 28, 35 or 53 – you are never too old to retake your GCSEs, so if you’re looking for the chance to improve your job prospects, why not take a look at our guide below:

Why should you retake your GCSEs?
We appreciate how the prospect of re-entering education may feel daunting to some, yet the benefits it can yield are worth considering:

  • Recapturing lost skills and knowledge – not only can you improve your grades, you can use the opportunity to renew old skills and apply them to your work and everyday life
  • Career opportunities – in most industries, having GCSEs are a minimum entry requirement, with many requiring specific grades before you can apply. In most instances, you will be expected to have at least 5 GCSEs, with English and Maths being essential
  • Keep yourself challenged – the truth is, learning helps to keep us interested in life, as well as can offer you great life experiences. So while you may have done them before, you may find them challenging in a different way as you are now much older and wiser.

How can retaking GCSEs help you?
For most, your decision to retake your GCSEs will be based on your desire to change jobs, but that is not the only benefit they can offer you. They can also:

  • Open doors to further education i.e. college, university or other online courses.
  • Increase your employability – employees love hiring people who are willing to learn and keep expanding their skills/knowledge.
  • Keep your mind agile – not only does it give you the chance to meet new people and gain new experiences; it will keep your mind young and alert.

Who can re-sit GCSEs?
The good news is – GSCEs are accessible to everyone. No matter your age or experience, you can easily enrol onto online courses or attend college, and refresh these qualifications. What’s more, once you have finished them you can progress to A Levels or other vocational qualifications.

The Logistics:
If you’re serious about re-sitting your GCSEs, you will need to work out the logistics of doing them.  For instance, if you have only just recently left school and want to do a re-sit, then this can be organised through your school or the college you’re about to attend. Through them you can arrange for an immediate re-sit. They will even let you to start your AS levels before you have completed the exams. If on the other hand you’ve been out of school for a while and want the option to take your time relearning these skills, then you can sign up to an online course or attend a night school/short course. These usually last 12-18 months; however, there are some which will allow you to finish them faster.

NOTE: these courses will come with charges (to cover teaching and examination costs) so we suggest shopping around to find the best course deal.

As you can see, deciding to retake your GCSEs – and finding places to re-sit them – is pretty straight forward. So if you’re interested in getting back into education, then why not take a look at our online courses today and see what doors may open for you.

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