What Type of Learner are You?

FACT: no one learns the same way.

It’s true!

Whilst some of us best learn through visual demonstrations and by watching. For others, they find it easier to absorb information by listening and receiving verbal descriptions.

The way we learn varies, and can even be affected by the situation. That is why, if you are determined to succeed on a course, it is pivotal that you first recognise what type of learner you are. Do that and you can then take steps to ensuring that you attain maximum retention from your studies.

Types of Learners

It is important to note here that there is no right way or wrong way of learning. All that matters is that you understand the type of learner you are, so you can surround yourself with the right tools and equipment.

Below is a list of the most common types of learners. Can you spot yourself amongst them?

  1. Visual – visual learners are well known for noticing the finer details and for trying to ‘visualise the process’ when trying to find a solution to a problem. At the same time, they tend to use pictures and diagrams to assist their learning.Now if this sounds like you, then you may find the following resources/techniques useful whilst studying:

    – Using mind maps, diagrams and timelines – this will allow you to organise information and keep everything clear and concise
    – Making notes in different colour pens/pencils
    – Instead of making notes, you might find drawing helps to better explain topics
    – Using a wall planner to organise and manage your time
    – Utilising flashcards
    – Watching videos

  2. Auditory (listening and learning) – this type of learner finds it easier to absorb information when it is done through the spoken word; when it is accompanied by music, or when it is repeated alongside a rhythm. Another indicator of an auditory learner is being able to hear different sounds. This means, you can use your own voice to recite notes aloud (or repeat instructions) and absorb information, as your ability to detect different sounds will make it easier to process.If you love sounds and listening to music/podcasts, then you may benefit from the following resources/tips:

    – Using rhyming mnemonics
    – Reading your notes out loud or listening to a recording of your voice (to playback your notes)
    – Listening to/watching podcasts
    – Studying as part of a group or with a partner
    – Being actively involved in group discussions and asking questions

  3. Verbal (learning with words) – if you love the spoken or the written word, then you may be a verbal learner. Common signs of a verbal learner include: loving to read, keeping a diary, expressing yourself through words, and being someone who is not afraid to ask ‘why’ a lot. No matter which category you fall into, most verbal learners prefer to study either by making pages of notes, or by reading textbooks.If this sounds like you, then we recommend the following learning tips:

    – Making notes/writing explanatory paragraphs
    – Talking through concepts (out loud) to help you understand and fully comprehend what they mean/involve
    – Using acronyms and flashcards
    – Reading

  4. Physical (do and learn) – this type of learner learns best when they are able to use their sense of touch. Whether this consists of using their hands or their whole bodies, physical learners prefer to put theories into practice and quite like learning through physical demonstrations.A prime example of a physical learner is someone who is very active; whom enjoys sports and whom likes to do a lot of physical activities. They may also be someone who has a habit of fidgeting or doodling during class.

    Now, if this sounds like you then the following tasks/activities could help you to absorb your studies:

    – Using a squeezy ball, fidget spinner or an object to help keep your hands occupied whilst studying
    – Incorporating physical objects into your studies to help explain information
    – Using models to represent key events/moments pivotal to the subject, topic or course
    – Whilst on a break doing something physical or an activity

  5. Logical (learning with systems) – if you prefer to study using an ‘ordered approach’ then you may be considered a logical learner. Logical learners love patterns and applying logic as it helps them to make sense of what they are studying. Similarly, they love numbers, maths and using patterns to help shape their thoughts. As deep thinkers, logical learners are the type of person to wonder how something works whilst trying to seek rational explanations to what they are seeing/reading about.For that reason, you will learn best by doing the following:

    – Keeping your workspace clean and organised
    – Breaking your studies into bite-size chunks before explaining section in detail
    – Giving yourself a reason to learn – this will help to keep you motivated and bring purpose to your studies
    – Doing your own research instead of letting someone else do it/supply it. Not only is performing your own research more satisfying, it will also make it easier for you to digest the information

  6. Social (learning with others) – if you’re a social person or find the prospect of studying alone boring, then you may be a social learner.Now before you panic, this doesn’t mean you can only learn in a classroom environment…

    Distance learning course providers have now made it possible for their students to learn in groups; as not only can you connect with fellow students through their online forums. You can also use these forums to arrange online study groups, and even meet with other learners in person (if they live local to you).

    In fact, if you are a social learner the following can help improve your learning experience:

    – Using the student forum to form an online study group. This will allow you to test out your thoughts, theories and ideas, as well as sound off your opinions. If fellow learners are local, you can also arrange to meet and study in person
    – Incorporate role-play and presentations into your learning. These can be performed to your family and friends and will help you to achieve the social aspect of learning that you like
    – Mind map information to help you walk through the concept/topic
    – Join a group/club who’s interested in your area of study. Note: this is particularly helpful if your course is history/literature based

  7. Solitary (learning on your own) – if you find working/studying around others to be distracting, then you may be a solitary learner. Yes, schools may teach us to talk, discuss and interact whilst learning; however, this style of learning is not for everyone. This is especially true if you like to escape into quiet study environments that deter speaking i.e. libraries.If this description sounds like you, then the following can help to improve your learning experience:

    – Set personal goals/targets to help keep yourself motivated
    – Work at your own time and pace, and where you feel most comfortable e.g. your own space
    – Keep a record of your achievements – this again will help to keep you motivated
    – Research independently and stockpile your own research/discoveries
    – Create a self-assessment of your progress
    – At the end of each topic or study session, summarise what you have learnt

See what we mean – no learner is the same!

So here is the real question – what type of learner are you?

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