Tips for Becoming a Successful Writer

Becoming a successful writer shouldn’t be measured in how much you earn or on how well you’re known. Sure, there are great perks, but what matters is your enjoyment of writing and how others respond to your work. Do you inspire them? Do you grip them? Are you the writer they remember months after finishing your work?

It is these things that define you…

So how can you become a successful writer?

  1. Find your niche – writing is a massive, diverse and varied field, which can give you plenty of scope to experiment and hone in your craft. So whether you love writing short fiction, poetry or constructing scripts; just remember that to succeed in these areas, you need to know your different genres and niches.Similarly, you need to be aware of where your talents lie, and why inspires your imagination. Yet, this doesn’t mean you should pigeon-hole yourself from the beginning. Nor should you limit yourself to one style, before your writing has even taken off. Simply, be open to trying new things.

    Luckily online creative writing courses can help you to explore different kinds of writing and genres, so you can find your stride and expand your skills in more than one aspect of writing.

  2. Find your market – there is a market for all types of writing, so before you jump straight in, spend some time looking at these markets so you can find the right market and clients for your work.There are numerous ways of achieving this:

    – Creative writing – printed and online publishers are always looking for fresh, new writers and stories, so use this knowledge to help you transgress borders. Also don’t limit yourself to just British publications. Look further afield and see what they can offer you. NOTE: before you submit any work, remember to check out individual sites and publishers for information on how to submit your work.

    – Paid commercial opportunities – we’re talking about freelance work here. This is a great chance to earn money for your writing, as companies are always looking for blog and article writers who’ve got the skill to produce high quality work for their sites. Either way, this will allow you to earn money on the side whilst giving you the flexibility to work on your own private pieces. NOTE: to find work, try canvassing companies directly, or bidding for work through freelance agencies.

  3. Be prepared for feedback – it is inevitable, especially as writing is a creative art. Just remember, what one person likes, another may not, so be prepared to receive mixed feedback.If you’re writing for someone else i.e. a client or a publisher, you can improve their responses by keeping these basic rules in mind:

    – If you’re given a brief, make sure you fully understand what they want and keep to their requirements.
    – Feedback is useful and can help you to improve how you write and adapt for different clients.
    – Editors WILL make changes to your work – sure you can disagree, but you need to learn when to pick your battles and when to take their advice.
    – ALWAYS proofread your work – any mistakes and typos will impact on how you’re viewed professionally.

  4. Read, read, read – the more you read across different genres, the bigger and wider your imagination will become. This will help you to better express your feelings and emotions in your work, as your mind will be open to new possibilities and ways of expressing yourself.Similarly, listening to radio plays and going to the theatre, can all help to develop your writing skills, as they will inspire you with the range of techniques they use to create pictures and evoke emotions.
  5. Be prepared for writers block – there will be days when you just can’t get the words to flow or work in the way you want them to. Then there will be others where your pen or computer can’t keep up with your creativity. It is natural.The key in both instances is to keep at it and to keep trying. Don’t fret about the placement of commas or full stops straight away (you can sort this out later). Just focus on creating characters that are real, emotive and engaging.


Most importantly, continue to enjoy reading and writing, because someday it could be your work that someone is reading.


For more information on our online creative writing courses, click here

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