Organised? Here’s How to Turn it into a Career

We all like to think of ourselves as being organised. However, it is one thing to be able to plan an outing and another to prioritise the workload of others and manage entire events.

So how can you tell if you’re a highly organised person? How can you know that you have the organisational skills to make a career of it?

The first thing you need to do is assess your personality to see whether you have a natural affinity for planning or if it is something you force yourself to do to prioritise your workload.

How to tell if you’re naturally organised

Take a look at the following questions and statements: Which ones apply to you?

  1. You regularly create to-do lists for every element of your life, whether it is for food shopping, present buying, family outings, or managing your daily workload.
  2. You create an itinerary of things to do at the weekend when you go on holiday or when you visit somewhere new. In other words, you never do anything on a whim but have it all carefully planned out from start to finish.
  3. You’re always conscious of deadlines and arrange your work based on these deadlines. In addition, you can modify this priority list when new pieces of work are passed to you.
  4. You have a mental checklist for everything and know exactly what you want to do and when, so you are at your most efficient. This means, alongside having a daily schedule or work plan, you also start your day by checking off the basics.
  5. You work well under pressure. Even when you have multiple things to do, the pressure of getting it all done doesn’t faze you. You flourish under pressure and like the challenge.
  6. You’re the first to volunteer to help out when organising events, meetings, or parties. Whether it is hosting birthday parties and Christmas meals every year or volunteering to help friends and family arrange special events, you are always at the forefront when it comes to sorting things out.
  7. You like taking control of situations and being in charge. You’re not one to stand on the sidelines. Instead, you can always be found in the thick of it. In turn, if no one is willing to take charge, you will happily take the lead and ensure the situation is handled with success.

If you’re not one to shy away from arranging things or taking charge, then you could easily pursue a career where your primary focus is to manage the activities and timings of others.

What Careers Suit Those with High Organisational Skills?

Every job requires an element of efficiency and organisation; otherwise, nothing would ever get done on time, and your productivity would be low.

That being said, there are several careers that you can pursue that will take your natural love of organising and turn it into a profitable career.

Take a look at the following:

Event Management

This job can be incredibly diverse, depending on whether you choose to work within a business or independently. For instance, some businesses have a separate division that is dedicated to organising events.

Take, for example, publishers. Their job once a book has gone to print is to maximise sales and get shops and readers invested in the book. To do this, authors need to attend shops, festivals, interviews, and literary signings—something that needs arranging. Publishing houses will hire dedicated individuals who will act on behalf of authors to get their books into shops and their names recognised.

But this is not the only place where an event manager could be utilised. Other places that will use an event manager are:

  • TV personalities, singers, and film stars: interviews, guest appearances, signings, and parties; there will be someone in the background arranging it all.
  • Gallery owners: They will need someone to manage their shows and ensure the event is publicised. Likewise, on the day of the event, they will need someone in the background to watch over the proceedings and make sure there is plenty to eat and drink and that sales are going smoothly.
  • Businesses: Any business that regularly hosts parties, dinners, or guests will want to harness an event manager to ensure everything goes according to plan.
  • Regular individuals or small businesses: Not all businesses will hire someone in-house but will want a professional to handle bigger events. Likewise, many individuals hate arranging things and will seek out an event manager to organise a show, dinner, party, birthday, signing, or christening.

In truth, there are many areas you can explore as an event manager, so if you crave diversity, you may want to consider this particular route. To learn more about event management and how to get into it, take a look at our range of online event management courses.

Wedding Planner

Similar to an event manager, wedding planners are widely used by couples, as their assistance can help take a massive weight off their shoulders.

With a wedding planner in their employ, couples can focus on the smaller things, like picking dresses and rings, while the wedding planner will research all the best venues, photographers, caterers, musicians, entertainment, transport, and honeymoon locations. They will collate information based on a couple’s wishes and budget and will do their best to ensure everything goes according to plan, from start to finish.

Not all couples hire wedding planners to organise the whole day. Some just ask for their help on the day, while others only want them to handle or arrange half of the activities.

That being said, wedding planners are equipped to handle anything and everything that couples throw at them, no matter how big or small the task is.

Now, while this particular job focuses on just wedding planning, there is still a lot of diversity to this role, as you may be asked to locate honeymoons and venues, source entertainment, and book engagement parties, hen parties, or cake tastings.

One thing you will need for this role is the ability to stick to strict deadlines, manage budgets, be prepared to perform hours of research, and be willing to work long and unsociable hours. If this sounds like you, then you may want to explore a career as a wedding planner. For more information on how to get your foot in the door, take a look at our online wedding planner diploma.

Personal Assistant

This role is quite different from the previous two, as there will be a strong administrative element to it. Yes, you will be asked to handle communications, arrange client/staff meetings, and organise staff parties and meals; however, these events will be a lot more informal compared to organising an engagement party.

During these events, you will have to ensure that the ethos and values of the business are maintained and that those involved behave professionally and effectively. In other words, the events you organise will be less about having fun and more about securing clients and ensuring your staff is up-to-date on their training.

What’s more, your organisational skills will be utilised by one particular person or small group of people. From your boss to your colleagues, you will be dealing with the same people on a day-to-day basis.

This doesn’t mean your organisational skills won’t be as widely utilised as they would if you were an event planner. Instead, you will encounter more instances of repetition, i.e., organising your boss’s day, meetings, and availability; booking offices, meetings, clients/meals, and arranging annual events, i.e., the New Year’s party.

If this role is more to your taste, we suggest adding some administrative qualifications to your arsenal. By extending your knowledge of administration and office programmes, you will be better equipped to manage the office and others within your care. For more information on online administration courses, click here.

Holiday Planner

Similarly to a wedding planner, your organisational skills will be focused on a specific niche, namely organising holidays and arranging travel, accommodations, and outings for clients.

That being said, no holiday is the same, so you will get to experience a lot of diversity between clients.

For instance, you will have some clients who will want you to handle all elements of their holiday, from transport to the airport to booking the holiday, managing food options, and organising day trips. Others will want you to modify the basic package and discover exclusive offers that could make their holiday more affordable or exciting, i.e., all-inclusive meal deals, access to water parks and attractions within the area of the hotel, or booking them onto once-in-a-lifetime activities.

For this reason, you need to be a thorough researcher and capable of managing multiple people’s holidays at the same time—without getting confused between the wants, wishes, and budgets of each client. However, if you possess such skills and crave such situations, then working as a holiday planner could offer you a lot of customer satisfaction.


As you can see, there is a lot of career scope for anyone who loves organising and managing the events and activities of others. So if you are interested in taking your natural organisational skills and using them to make a career, then you have plenty of options to explore. All you need to decide on is which will give you the greatest sense of satisfaction.

For more information on how to make a career out of being organised, visit our website to explore our event management, administration, and wedding planner courses. Add any of these qualifications to your CV, and you can bolster your odds of getting your dream job.

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