What are the most ‘in-demand’ jobs of 2020?

Whether you’re looking to change careers, or are considering enrolling onto a degree/online course; it is only natural that you want to know which jobs are most popular. Know that and you can tailor your course decisions to improve your odds of employability.

Bearing that in mind, we have compiled a list of the most in-demand jobs of 2020. Do any of them spark your interest?

  • Digital and video marketing – we are living in an increasingly digital world, so it makes sense that businesses are looking for ways to increase their visibility to customers. This is where knowing how to create compelling CTAs and online content come into play. Learn how to effectively market to consumers online, and businesses will be begging you to come work for them;
  • Blockchain developer – continuing on the technology train; cryptocurrency has seen a massive growth, with more and more organisations/countries turning to it as a faster and easier way to move investments and funds. Because of this, knowing how to mine blockchain and use its technology will make you an asset;
  • Physical therapist – there has been an increase in demand for physical therapists since 2019, with more needed in 2020. This is partially due to our growing ageing population. On top of this, physical therapists are needed to provide rehabilitation and pain management to those injured through athleticism and work;
  • Technicians in security, fire and other services – this covers anyone who installs security systems, burglar or fire alarms, and CCTV. For this role, you would normally be trained on the job and wouldn’t need a degree or specific qualifications in order to apply. However, it is possible to work your way up to a 6 figure salary through dedication and perseverance;
  • Cybersecurity Project Manager – with hacking becoming more common, cybersecurity has become more important to businesses. Researchers predict there will be 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs by 2021;
  • Legal – lawyers are an inevitable part of life, and there will always be a need for legal representation. Now, there are tonnes of roles you can explore with some that don’t require years of education. For instance, you could work as a legal assistant or paralegal. Alternatively, you can work your way up to becoming a solicitor or barrister;
  • Social caregiver – this role may not offer the highest salary, but it is still an essential and vital role which can make a difference.

Now, these are just 7 of the most popular jobs currently out there. There are many more you can choose from.

To start exploring your options and expanding your qualifications, why not take a look at our range of online courses?

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