Learning – Does it always have to feel like a chore?

Too few of us associate learning with fun, and it is not your fault.

You see, from a young age the idea of learning – and the way we learn – is ingrained in a far from positive way. Not only do we have no control over what we learn at school, but the way we are taught is often fixed, too structured and rigid.

And as a result, we are often hesitant to explore further education. In fact, many of us only choose to endure learning simply for the reward we’ll receive at the end i.e. a bigger pay check, better results, or to secure our dream job. It is not done for fun or excitement. We do it simply to progress.

Yet learning doesn’t have to be this way. It doesn’t have to be boring, rigid or lacklustre. Learning can be fun, and we’ll show you how!

How can learning be fun?
1. Learning doesn’t have to have an end goal – all too often, we only show an interest in learning if it will benefit our future or our careers, and as a consequence we overlook subjects. For a moment, consider what it would feel like to learn about a subject with no expectations other than your own desire to know more about it. By taking the pressure away – or an end goal – you can explore subjects that make you feel good.

2. Learning can keep life exciting – alongside keeping your mind fresh and youthful, learning something new can also unleash a passion you previously were unaware of. Whether that is a subject, a place to visit, or an activity, by making the decision to try something new you can revive your soul and keep life exciting.

Obviously, before you embark on any course you should do some research first – especially if you’re unsure of what to try – however, given the flexibility that comes with online courses or evening classes; you can easily mould this learning to suit your current lifestyle.

3. You don’t have to learn the essential – when it comes to learning, you normally do it with the intention of using that skill to progress your career or improve your CV. However, learning doesn’t have to be all work based. There are an assortment of courses you can try that you can learn for the sake of learning them. From pottery making to scuba diving to website design; you can learn new skills and discover new hobbies.

4. Learning itself can be fun – linking to our last point, if you are learning with the aim of securing a new job, this can add extra stress to the situation. However, choose a subject that isn’t reliant on passing an exam or improving your employability, and the learning process can take on a whole new level of fun and appreciation – especially, if it is on a subject that you are personally passionate about or have always wanted to study. Instead, you can enjoy the journey of learning without it ever feeling like a chore.

5. It is a great way to connect and create conversation – learning for fun can help you to become a well-rounded, more interesting person to chat to, as your passion for the subject will translate into your words. In fact, not only can it add to your collection of conversational topics; by discussing/sharing your experience with others, your own understanding will grow.

To further enhance this experience, why not try learning an eclectic mix of topics? This can really help to broaden your mind-set/knowledge base, as well as make you the person everyone wants to talk to.

In addition, learning is a great way to make friends, meet new people and engage with others with a shared passion/interest. As we get older, there are fewer opportunities for us to make new friends (outside of the workplace); however by attending a class, you can use this opportunity to make new friends and meet people you previously would never have encountered.

Even with online courses, they offer online platforms where fellow students can discuss their learning and share their experiences. Through this platform you can connect, chat with others and even set up study dates.

6. Keep you sharp and energised – too often we use TV as a way to unwind and relax. Yet the problem with this line of thinking is that too much of what we watch is mindless and unstimulating. Yet, choosing to learn in your spare time can change all of that. Not only can it help to keep your brain sharp, engaged and energised; learning is also believed to have long term positive effects on your mental health and cognitive processes.

7. Great bonding experience – attending a class with a friend or family member can also help to make the learning experience much more enjoyable. Not only can you keep each other motivated; learning a new language or skill can bring you closer together.

8. Can open your eyes to new ideas and concepts – you don’t have to travel the world to be in touch with it. Choosing to learn something outside of the traditional curriculum can open your mind to new ideas and theories, as well as make you re-evaluate what you’ve previously known. In turn, you can learn about new cultures and languages, and broaden your worldview.
As you can see, it is never too late to learn something new, nor does the experience have to feel pressurised or stressful. Instead, you can explore subjects you’ve always wanted to know more about and open doors to careers that you never previously never thought possible.
So take a chance and try something new today. Learning is only a chore if you make it one…

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