Highest paying mental health careers

With Corona likely to continue dictating and controlling our lives for some time to come; now more than ever it is important that we take steps to protect our mental health.

In the last year alone, we have gone from being able to pick and choose when we go out and see friends and family, to being told that is it unsafe to socially interact with anyone outside of your bubble. As such, there are now thousands upon thousands of people who are in a constant state of isolation and loneliness.

So what can be done?

Well, the first step to overcoming this issue is to ensure that we have got enough people in place to offer these individuals the emotional support they deserve and thankfully this is possible, due to the following careers:

  1. Psychiatrist – easily one of the highest paying jobs in this field.  To become a psychiatrist you will need a bachelor’s degree and at least 8 years of post-undergraduate study.
  2. Industrial-organisational psychologist – the purpose of this job is to use your psychology knowledge to tackle workplace issues such as worker productivity, assigning people to the right job and developing marketing research.
  3. Neuropsychologist – with a doctorate in neuropsychology or clinical neuropsychology, your job will be to study the brain and cognitive science by running brain scans, assessing those suffering with brain injuries and analysing how drugs affect the nervous system.
  4. Clinical psychologist – alongside a doctorate in psychology, you will need to complete 1-2 years of supervised residency, as well as pass state licensing exams (in order to practice). Once qualified, your job will be to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent mental illness.
  5. Counselling psychologist – with a PHD, PsyD or EdD degree under your belt, as a counselling psychologist your job will be to offer psychotherapy and mental health treatment to patients.
  6. School psychologist – as the name suggests, as a school psychologist you would work alongside kids to diagnose and treat behaviour and learning problems. At the same time, you would help them to overcome social, emotional, behavioural and academic problems.

Now at this point, you’re probably wondering how an online course in psychology could help you to pursue a path in any of these careers – but they can!

Our online courses are specifically designed to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge which will enable you to apply for college and university courses, and apply for the jobs you want.

So if you are interested in any of these careers, or simple want to know if psychology is the right fit for you, then why not experiment with one of our distance learning courses today?

With levels 2, 3 and 4 to choose from as well as a selection of specialist subjects, you can build up your qualifications and improve your CV from the comfort of your own home.


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