Careers you can get with a creative writing qualification

When it comes to creative writing qualifications, you can’t be blamed for assuming that your career routes will be limited to journalism, blog writing, and being a novelist.
However, there is much more to getting a writing qualification than the above careers. In truth, there are a variety of jobs that you can explore – some of which may surprise you.

Jobs For Creative Writers:

  • Advertising copywriter
  • Arts administrator
  • Creative director
  • Digital Copywriter
  • Editorial Assistant
  • Proof-reader
  • Publisher
  • Lexicographer
  • Magazine Journalist
  • Newspaper Journalist
  • Copy Editor
  • Talent Agent
  • Web Content Manager
  • Writer – Blogger, Novelist, etc.

Now, you could take this list and just leave it at that.

However, pair it with the right qualifications/online courses and you can also easily pursue any of the following jobs:

  • Academic librarian (having a creative background will hold you in good stead with this job, but you’ll also need a Masters in Librarianship)
  • Concept artist (a background in art (fine art and digital) would be ideal here)
  • Film director (qualifications in media and film would be useful for this role)
  • Information officer
  • Marketing executive (you’ll also need social media, SEO, and online marketing qualifications for this job)
  • Primary school teacher (you will need to build on this foundation of knowledge and also complete a PGCE)
  • Secondary school teacher – similar to being a Primary school teacher you will need a PGCE
  • Teaching assistant – there are tonnes of online teaching courses which could help you to become a TA
  • Public librarian – a degree/Masters in librarianship would be helpful here
  • Public relations officer – again you should pair your writing qualification with courses in marketing, media, and public relations
  • Social media manager – a writing background would serve you well here; however, we recommend that you add to this by taking some online marketing and media courses
  • Web content manager – a course in managing is recommended

Honestly, there are numerous jobs you can explore with a writing qualification under your belt. So if you’re wondering what you can do with a creative writing degree, then why not take a look at the list above? Writer, librarian, teacher, you can be anything you want to be.

For more information, check out our website today.

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