10 Strangest Jobs in the World

We are all familiar with the most common and popular jobs on the market, but what about the strangest jobs? Do they exist, and if so, what are they?

In this article, we shall explore the 10 strangest jobs currently gracing the employment market:

  • Professional sleeper – sounds like the perfect job, right? Being asked to sleep for a living? However, there is much more to this role than you think. You see, this role arose out of a need by hotels to test the comfort of their beds. As such, they employee people to sleep in a different hotel bed every night and then write a review listing their thoughts and satisfaction levels.
  • Drying paint watcher – not the most thrilling job we admit, but the idea behind this role is paint sheets of cardboard and see how long new paint mixes take to dry. At the same time, they have to watch for changes in texture and colour.
  • Full-time Netflix viewer – yes, this is a real job! Netflix hired someone to watch all of their content (before it’s available) before reviewing and assigning the program the correct tag. In doing so, viewers will find it easier to locate what they are looking for e.g. romantic crime, thriller, talking animals, etc.
  • Train Pusher – this role originates from Japan, and the idea is that the train pusher will help to cram as many people onto the train as possible by pushing them on from the outside.
  • Professional Mourner – this job stems from a tradition in South East Asia where a loud funeral will help the dead to travel to the afterlife. As a result, professional mourners are hired with the sole purpose of crying and weeping loudly throughout the funeral service.
  • Snake Milker – if you’re feeling brave enough, you can work as a snake milker for a living and collect venom of poisonous snakes in jars. By collecting their venom, anti-venoms and other medications can be created.
  • Dog food taster – this job is exactly what it sounds like i.e. your role would be to taste new dog food products and assess their flavour and texture in comparison to other dog food brands. You will even be asked to compare it to human food!
  • Odour judges – in a bid to test out new hygiene products, odour judges are hired to smell the breath, feet and armpits of volunteers. Yikes!
  • Marmite Taster – to ensure the texture, consistency and flavour of marmite stays the same, each batch is checked by marmite tasters.
  • Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man – equally strange AND unique, this job was created to cater to an underwater hotel in Florida. Within this role, the delivery man is expected to supply pizzas to guests by scuba diving down and bringing the pizza in watertight cases.

And these aren’t the only strange jobs to grace the internet. There are many more out there. So if you are looking for something different, then why not explore some of the strangest jobs out there and give them a try?

For more information on how to improve your skillset, visit our website.


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