New Year Resolution checklist

It is that time of year again when we start re-evaluating our lives and consider making a change to our circumstances. However, before you jump on the bandwagon and quit your job or begin the latest diet, we suggest that you take a moment to stop, think and consider your options.

True… January is a popular time to change careers, enrol on online courses and apply for the latest promotion, but that doesn’t mean you have to change your life at a drop of a hat. Instead, we ask that you read the following checklist and use it to help you decide whether or not now is the right time to change your job:

  1. Are you unhappy in your job? There is a difference between feeling bored and unchallenged in your job to hating it.With the first, it might not be a case that you dislike your job, but that it has grown mundane. Yet by becoming predictable, you have come to resend it.  In the case of the latter, your hate could stem from a number of things e.g. staff bullying, realising you are in the wrong industry, the job being too hard, etc. and because of this, you must be honest with yourself about how you really feel as the first scenario could easily be resolved by simply applying for a promotion.
  2. Do you want the promotion? Just because a promotion has come up, doesn’t mean you have to apply for it. In truth, you may be perfectly happy with the position you are in, you just want more variety/responsibility. Likewise, you need to appreciate that promotions come with expectations and bigger demands. Ones that could leave you feeling stressed, pressured and resentful of the new post.For this reason you need to ask yourself – do you really want it? And are you prepared to handle this new challenge?
  3. Do you really want to change careers? If after answering the first question, you’ve realised that you are genuinely unhappy with your job, you need to consider what you would like to do instead.- Do you want to explore a different part of your current industry? If so, what part? Do you need any specialist training in order to switch areas?
    – Do you want to change industries entirely? If so, what do you want to do instead? Is there a hobby that you would like to turn into a career? Do you need to update your qualifications in order to apply or are your current skills transferable?
    – Do you want to work the same kind of hours or work in the same kind of environment? For instance, do you want to work full-time, part-time, as your own boss or remotely?Your answers to these questions will influence the path you take next. However, in most cases you will probably have to boost your skill-set or undertake new qualifications to enable you to make the transition.
  4. Do you want to enhance your skills?New Year’s resolutions don’t have to spell dramatic change. It may be that what you really want is to improve your skill-set so that you have got more options.Online courses/distance learning classes are a perfect opportunity for you to build up your CV and increase your employability, as you can complete them at a time and pace of your choosing. In fact, you can complete these courses while you’re still working in your current job which is useful if you’re still undecided on what you want to do next.  All we suggest is that you pick your courses wisely, and consider how they will benefit you in the long run.

This checklist is just a starting point to making a change in your life. So if you are viewing 2021 as a chance to change your circumstances, then why not take a look at these questions first before you make a decision?

For more information on our range of online courses, visit our site today.


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