Does all training have to be career focused?

When we think of training, we often view it with a goal in mind – as a chance to change our career or improve our promotion options.

Now whilst this is true – all training and new qualifications CAN enhance your employability – you don’t always have to view training this way. It is possible to enrol onto a course, and simply do so because you want to know more about the subject.

Similarly, you don’t always have to do career orientated qualifications e.g. counselling, primary education, accounting, etc. There are other things you can learn.

So, what can you do?

It is easy to dismiss subjects if they are unrelated to your working life. If they cannot benefit your career, why spend your time pursuing them?

But this drive to learn more doesn’t have to be a waste.

And here is why:

  1. Any addition to your CV – even in an unrelated subject – will prove your willingness to expand your knowledge and develop your skills to your current/future employers.
  2. Embarking on a new subject may reveal an unconscious desire to change your career. In fact, whilst you are studying this course may discover a hidden passion for the subject which could turn into a drive to change careers and pursue other alternative working avenues.

Learning is never a waste, so whether you simply want to know more about psychology (for example), or you are interested in strengthening a skill already present in your arsenal; enrolling onto a distance learning course can offer you the flexibility to explore this without having to give up your job.

Why should you strengthen your skills?

Even if you currently have no intention to move up the career ladder, this doesn’t mean you can’t add more skills to your CV.

Take managerial or customer service focused courses. Both can help to strengthen your interactions with customers and give you the tools to take the initiative, think outside of the box and offer your customers an overall better consumer experience.

They are a natural stepping stone to making you better at your existing job.

And should you later choose to apply for a higher position; you’ll have the benefit of having already demonstrated to your employers your natural ability to step up, as you’ll have already taken these newly acquired skills and used them within your existing job.

It truly is a win-win for all. You’ll have fed your desire to learn, whilst preparing yourself for future career progression or career altering opportunities.

So, if you are currently undecided on a course, or feel it may be a waste of time or money, then think again…

Instead, why not take a moment to really think about the doors these new qualifications can open and consider the long-term benefits they may bring to your career, your earnings and overall progression.

For more information on distance learning courses, visit our website today and discover what our range of home-based learning courses can do for you.

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