10 Most Untrustworthy jobs in the UK

You might be thinking why would I want to know more about the 10 most untrustworthy jobs in the UK, however you may be surprised by how much this information has the power to influence your career choices.

You see, no one likes to be thought of as untrustworthy. If anything, at a subconscious level we all strive to be liked because to know that you are hated can be incredibly isolating.

As such, you may find yourself less inclined to pursue a certain career should you find that it is unpopular.

So what can you do? Should you ignore these careers in favour of one that is more popular? Or should you use this knowledge to try harder to gain the trust of those you’ll eventually work with/for?

Honestly? It depends on how passionate you are about the job. Similarly, it will depend on your willpower and commitment to overcoming the stereotypes surrounding the job.

Take the following 10 jobs…

According to 1,200 UK workers, they feel they are untrustworthy due to their lack of morals (66.4%), monetary greed (62.1%), unreliability (56.5%) and irritating nature (26.6%):

  • Politicians
  • Journalists
  • Car Salesman
  • Telesales
  • Bankers
  • Paparazzi
  • Estate agents
  • Recruiters
  • Lawyers
  • Bailiffs

Looking at this list, it is easy to see why some of them are unpopular as they have garnered a bad reputation over the years. However, for some the negativity surrounding them is based on the role of the job itself. For example, the job of a bailiff is to collect long overdue debt. Because of this, they are naturally unpopular as no one likes their possessions being taken off away, even if the debt against them is genuine.

Similarly, journalists are often viewed as being invasive and uncaring because of how they report on the personal lives of others. However, it is important to remember that not all journalists specialise on dishing the dirt on celebrities. Many focus on important global issues that are aimed at enlightening their readers, and not spreading gossip.

And these two aren’t the only ones to be tarnished by a small few in the profession. Many others on the list above have wrongly got the wrong rep.

For that reason, when deciding on a career, don’t let stereotypes or the bad behaviour of others deter you from pursuing something you love. With the right attitude and focus, you can prove to the world that you are more than worthy of their trust.

To learn more about how to improve your career prospects, take a look at our range of online courses.

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